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Free Holiday Bucket List, 25 Days of Christmas!


To help you make the most of this merry and bright season here is a free winter bucket list inspired by the 25 days of Christmas! These are 25 things you can do this season to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year! Happy holidays from Anchored Art Designs!

1. Decorate a Christmas Tree: Decorating the tree is one of my favorite things, it makes the house feel festive and I get to see all of the ornaments I have acquired through the years!

2. Bake Christmas Cookies: Every year I bake and decorate Christmas cookies with my family, it is one of our traditions! It is fun and delicious!

3. Have a Snowball Fight: If you live in a place where it snows, have a snowball fight! It's such a fun way to exercise and bond with friends and family!

4. Drink Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate is the perfect drink to warm up on a cold winter's day!

5. Make a Gingerbread House: Fulfil your dreams of being an architect while eating more sugar than you've had all year round, sounds like a win win to me!

6. Make a Snowman: If it snows where you are, spend time making the perfect snowman!

7. Make Paper Snowflakes: Do a winter craft with friends and family, all you need is paper and scissors to make the perfect paper snowflakes.

8. Light a Candle: Set the right mood with a cozy candle, for the winter season I always enjoy a good pine tree scent!

9. Have a Christmas Movie Marathon: Elf, The Grinch, Santa Claus (1, 2, & 3), The Polar Express, and so many more are must watches for this time of year!

10. Cuddle by the Fire: Cozy up next to your loved ones by the fire (a tv screen fire counts too!)

11. Go Ice Skating: If you know how to ice skate this is such a fun winter activity, unfortunately I am one of the ones who can't, still sounds fun though!

12. See Christmas Lights: This is another one of my family's traditions, we all pile in the car and drive around to see the lights, usually accompanied with blankets and Starbucks!

13. Wear an Ugly Sweater: Although I have a hard time buying something you can only wear once a year, there is something special about an ugly Christmas sweater.

14. Wear Fuzzy Socks: Don't forget to wear your fuzzy socks this season!

15. Drink Eggnog: Eggnog is a seasonal favorite of many, although it is not my personal favorite, even I still have a glass in the spirit of the season.

16. Play a Game: Board games and card games are a great way to spend time with friends and family! There are so many options to choose from too!

17. Eat a Ham: Christmas ham, crescent rolls, corn, mashed potatoes, I am really looking forward to my mom's Christmas dinner!

18. Make a Christmas Card: Spend time making Christmas cards for the one's you love. It's a great way to exercise your creativity and let someone know you are thinking of them!

19. Sing Christmas Songs: Sing Christmas songs or listen to Christmas music, from the day after thanksgiving 'til Christmas day that is all I have on, on repeat!

20. Do an Advent Calendar: Leading up to the 25th day of December me and my husband do an advent calendar that I made. Each day includes an Old Testament prophecy and then the fulfillment of it in the New Testament!

21. Make Jesus a Birthday Cake: Celebrate the birth of Jesus by making Him a birthday cake!

22. Take Pretty Photos: Take festive photos of Christmas decorations, friends, and family. This way you can remember special moments for years to come!

23. Visit Friends and Family: If you can, spend time with friends and family this holiday season! It's always nice for the whole family to be together on Christmas day!

24. Make a Christmas Countdown Chain: Make a paper chain to count down the days of Christmas!

25. Read the Holy Bible: Christ is the reason for the season! Spend time with God and know Him better through the blessing that is His word!

This list is purely for your enjoyment! Whether you do all, or none, of these activities, I hope you have a holiday season full of love, warmth, and happiness!

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